World ---- ISIS, (Analysis By- Mohit Singh)

The Rise of ISIS.  

The Rise Of  ISIS From A Small Rebel Group of Afghanistan to Forming The Largest Terrorist Organisation and Making an attempt to Establish Caliphate (Khalifa) Similar to the last Caliphate The Ottoman Caliphate.

ISIS is known by different names one name that David Cameron gave to ISIS which was widely used was ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) but officially the organisation is called as 'Islamic State'
ISIS or ISIL is a Salafi Jihadist Militant Group, Salafi Jihadism is basically a religious and somewhat political ideology that strictly believes in physical jihadism and the Salafi Movement which overall is linked to the ideology that Sunni Islam is true Islam and the law that governs them is Sharia Law. Though the struggle for the formation of ISIS as the largest terrorist organisation is very long and covers a long period of time towards its development what we witnessed in 2014 but the small rebel group of Afghanistan never aspired to be a part of the largest terrorist organisation rather ISIS becoming the largest terrorist organisation was a consequence of gradual developments that kept on happening.

Soviet Union Invasion of Afghanistan in 1979: The story begins when ISIS didn't even exist though the rebels existed who were the main cause of ISIS as an organisation coming into existence. In 1979, Russia invaded Afghanistan to install its chosen man as the President, after the President of Afghanistan Nur Mohammad Taraki, was assassinated under the orders of second-in-command, Hafizullah Amin, which became the major cause of tension between Russia and Afghanistan. Soon Russia invaded Afghanistan and killed Hafizullah Amin and installed Babrak Karmal as the President of Afghanistan, though this installment of President and deployment of Russian 40th Army witnessed a massive reaction among the natives of Afghanistan as this event was seen as a precursor to furthermore large scale invasion and conquest of Afghanistan by Russia which was a Superpower capable of doing this. 

                                             Babrak Karmal the installed President by Russia.

Gradual Expansion of the Rebel Group: Now the natives and even the neighbouring states of Afghanistan knew that to stop Russian mere natives of Afghanistan is not enough. So, young men flocked from the neighbouring states basically from middle east countries to join the rebel and thus the gradual growth of the rebel group started but still all this was happening at a very slow pace which didn't appear to be threatening to international security, unlike we saw the speedy growth of this organisation as ISIS from 2008-2014 the phase when ISIS as an organisation flourished the most. The men who joined the rebels were termed as 'MUJAHIDEEN' (those engaged in holy struggle). Many experts across the globe saw this as a religious struggle and some or few developed extremist views, though both have led to violence as we look into the pages of History.

The Rise of Osama Bin Laden: As I mentioned above that many 'Experts', so among these many well educated experts was a young Saudi expert whose name was Osama Bin Laden, Osama was very well educated and one of the most recognised expert. At the beginning he remained neutral but for a very short period of time, and soon joined the rebel group and there was one more man known by the name 'Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi' from Jordan he was a local criminal and a hitman and soon became a contemporary of Osama Bin Laden. But they never came face to face, or got along and never did in the future but both these men were responsible for organising the rebel group and forming Al-Qaeda and 'ISIS' which is also known as the Mother of all Terrorist organisation as this organisation was first standing inspiration for forthcoming big and small terrorist organisation. But at this point of time ISIS was still in its infant or miniature stage, but Al-Qaeda and its terror was growing at a very fast pace.

                                                A Photo of Young Osama Bin Laden.


Withdrawal of Soviet Union from Afghanistan: In 1989 Soviets finally pulled back from Afghanistan and Arab fighters eventually returned home, and this step was applauded by many leaders all across the globe. But, the leaders didn't understand one big change. The withdrawal of Soviets created a 'Vacuum' in Afghanistan as the pull back by Russians was sudden and thus no strong leader was chosen to govern Afghanistan, and with the absence of any strong leader or strict law the return of Osama Bin Laden to Afghanistan was inevitable. Osama Bin Laden led Al-Qaeda into a global network, and continued the struggle against Islam's enemies, this is what he believed. Meanwhile Abu Musad Al-Zarqawi was struggling to grow his own group. But both men returned to Afghanistan now ruled by Taliban. 

US Invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq: On September 11, 2001 (9/11) Al-Qaeda attacked America's Twin Tower (the tallest building at that time), from it's base there in America, thus Afghanistan again fell to one more invasion by USA which was more massive than Soviet's invasion, though the circumstances differed in both the cases. As soon as USA invaded Afghanistan Bin Laden fled to Pakistan and his contemporary Zarqawi fled to the remote and 'Lawless' corner of Iraq. Soon amidst these small and large scale development USA invaded Iraq and this invasion had set the stage for ISIS. The Americans overthrew Saddam Hussein's regime of Secular, Sunni dictatorship, and thus with this the Iraqi Soldiers ceased to continue as an organised military in Iraq, thus rendering them unemployed and angry, soon they joined the insurgency but over a period of two to three years, layer by layer. The process repeated itself just like Russian invasion when young men or jihadist groups from neighbouring states came to join the rebels in Afghanistan, in a similar way they joined the insurgency but this time in Iraq and against USA invasion, and with this massive support Zarqawi group expanded exponentially. Soon this group became the most ruthless and cruel group of Iraq, at this point it is still a group and not an organisation. 
His hatred towards Shia took him and his group to a new level where the group attacked Shia and mercilessly killed the Shia Muslims, vandalised their mosques and thus sparked a Sunni-Shia civil war. By 2004 Zarqawi became an inspiration for other jihadist. By this time Al-Qaeda had weakened and was desperate to strengthen its organisation. So, as a consequence they made attempts to form an alliance with Zarqawi's group, the most powerful standing group at that time. Zarqawi accepted them and thus for a temporary period this group was called as Al-Qaeda in Iraq. Soon a dramatic event occurs, the Iraqi Sunnis for some reason started disliking Zarqawi leadership and eventually revolted against him, but US killed Zarqawi in air strikes. So for next coming few years the so called Al-Qaeda in Iraq slipped into obscurity though not complete obscurity but they suspended their activities. The Americans finally pulled back from Iraq in 2011 assuming Iraq to be stable, but Americans failed to comprehend the actual situation and the terrorist development that would take place because of the vacuum created by American's sudden pull back. In 2011, a major event occurred across the middle east which is known as Arab Spring which became more profound in Iraq and Syria. In Syria, Bashar al-Assad resorted to extreme violence and oppressive means to crush down the protestors, as a consequence of which the protestors fired back leading to a large scale civil war, consequently he released large number of jihadists from Syria prisons, fuelling the rebels with extremism.
Back in Iraq the dormant Zarqawi group which was earlier named as Al-Qaeda in Iraq now adopted the name Islamic State of Iraq, but the alliance with Al-Qaeda still continued. Now the leader has changed, and ISI (Islamic State of Iraq) is led by a religious scholar Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Baghdadi sent a top Deputy to Syria to start a new branch of Al-Qaeda by fighting alongside the rebels of Syria. Baghdadi attacked several prisons in Iraq to free the imprisoned jihadists so as to recruit them again in his organisation. Gradually, his group expanded into Syria, and thus finally becoming the 'Islamic State of Iraq and Syria' or 'ISIS'. But the already existing Al-Qaeda deputy sitting in Syria who was sent by Baghdadi rejected Baghdadi Rule, and exiled him back to Iraq thus the two leaders plunged into war. But ISIS grew more powerful in Syria, because Assad was tolerant towards ISIS growth the major reason for this tolerance was Baghdadi led elimination of Assad's enemies. By 2014 ISIS has built an army in Syria and thus invaded Iraq, the corrupt Iraqi army had to face insulting defeat with little fight. The Sunnis of Iraq to lent support to ISIS in its fight against Shia dominated Government. Within days ISIS controlled one third of Iraq and a big part of Syria. Thousands of Sunni Muslims from around the world flock to Iraq and Syria to join ISIS, thus making ISIS more bulky. 

So the whole story regarding the rise of ISIS starts with Russian Invasion leading to tension in Afghanistan and the execution of Saddam Hussein acted like a trigger to finally give birth to ISIS.


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