India ---- How Amit Shah Executed Modi Govt's Secret Plan to Abrogate Article 370 . Analyis By- Mohit Singh.

Clever Planning: The plan regarding removing of Article 370 began soon after Modi won 2014 elections, thus the execution and date of effectuating the plan was preordained. The plan was so micro managed, that every year NDA government meticulously was making slight yet crucial changes with respect to obliterating the effects of Article 370 without giving an inkling to the hate mongering media and other barbarous political parties. In 1951 a committee was appointed known as J&K Constituent Assembly. The primary function of Constituent Assembly was to solve Kashmir issue as Raja Hari Singh had earlier made a decision to merge with India but later, he grew reluctant to sign Instrument of Accession. Accordingly, Constituent Assembly prepared a draft, the draft prescribed a mechanism through which Jammu and Kashmir could be parallelly governed and it further gave suggestions on how to merge Kashmir with India in the near future. The prescribed mechanism was nothing but ‘Article 370’. But constituent assembly clearly gave this article the title ‘Temporary Provisions with respect to the State of Jammu and Kashmir’, it simple meant that in the future Article 370 can be removed. But in 1957 Constituent Assembly ceased to exist, no one knows how it came to an end. As a result, Article 370 continued to remain because in the constitution it is clearly mentioned that ‘Article 370 could be abrogated or amended only upon the recommendation of the State’s Constituent Assembly’, so technically the temporary provision got lapsed with the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly in 1957. In 2018, Kumari Vijaylakshmi filed a writ, asking Supreme Court a clear-cut and coherent explanation on the solution and ways to remove Article 370, to this SC replied the same that with the dissolution of Constituent Assembly article 370 has lost its temporary status.

Steps Taken by BJP Government,

First Step: Now, the primary focus was to bring back the Constituent Assembly, rebirth of J&K Constituent Assembly. After J&K elections a coalition government was formed between BJP and PDP, an alliance which was considered to be impossible to form, but BJP somehow managed to do the impossible, this was the first step towards the removal of Article 370. This coalition government was necessary for Amit Shah in order to persuade few MLAs of PDP to come in support of BJP, to which few PDP MLAs agreed and one prominent MLA among them was Sajjad Lone. Sajjad Lone became an ardent supporter of BJP. 

Second Step: After the successful execution of first step it was time for BJP to initiate the second step. In 2018, BJP executed its second step by ending its alliance with PDP. The cessation of alliance led to collapse of elected government because of which J&K came under Governor’s rule. Eventually Governor asked PDP and BJP to prove their majority by briefing them that the last day to prove their majority was 20th November, and if they failed to prove then fresh elections would take place, thus final decision was to be taken on 21st November, till then there was going to be Governor rule in Jammu and Kashmir. 

Jammu and Kashmir witnesses two sessions, Summer session and Winter session. Summer session takes place in Srinagar and Winter session takes place in Jammu. By 21st November Governor shifted to Jammu as winter session happens in Jammu, but the politics was taking place in Srinagar as all the major political parties had their headquarters in Srinagar. On 20th November Mehbooba Mufti tried to send a fax to governor through which she wanted to convey that she can form government as she had the support of 56 MLAs, similarly Sajjad Lone who had the support of BJP also tried several times to send fax through which he wanted to convey the same, but strangely the fax machines broke down or for no reason the fax machine stopped working. Eventually, Mehbooba Mufti gave several phone calls to the Governor but it all went unanswered. On the other hand, Sajjad Lone tried to send several WhatsApp messages but again all those messages went unanswered. On 21st November Governor declared, “as all parties failed to communicate and prove their majority, J&K should be ready for fresh elections, till then Governor rule would continue rendering all major political parties impuissant”. 

Third Step: With the advent of December 2018, President issued a bill regarding amendments in Article 356. These amendments were placed before the Supreme Court. Supreme Court was informed that SCs and STs of Jammu and Kashmir were struggling for their basic rights and benefits, for this reason the primary demand was to transfer all the powers of J&K legislative assembly to the Authority of the Parliament, as the transfer of powers to the Authority of the Parliament would help the government in providing all the basic rights and benefits to SCs and STs of J&K. Supreme Court without going against SC and ST passed the bill immediately regarding amendments in Article 356 eventually transferring all the powers to the Authority of Parliament as a result the Governor gained all the powers of Legislative Assembly. 

Fourth Step: The planning of this final step done by Amit Shah proves the fact that he is truly ‘The Chanakya of Modern Politics’.

On 5th August 2019 another amendment was enacted concerning Article 367. In this amendment it was mentioned that whatever powers Constituent Assembly had in 1957 was now conferred upon Legislative Assembly, as we all know Legislative Assembly runs the government and as mentioned above the Governor was conferred upon all the powers of Legislative Assembly by the Supreme Court, in short now “Governor was made The Legislative Assembly” (you can read Step 3 again), thus Governor got the status of Constituent Assembly as the powers of Constituent Assembly was conferred upon Legislative Assembly according to the amendments done in Article 367, so with the rebirth of Constituent Assembly Article 370 again got the tag of Temporary Status. Now removal of 370 was like a cakewalk for BJP Government. A Gazette was issued by President regarding removal of Article 370 which needed the approval of Constituent Assembly, and as the Constituent Assembly was the Governor himself Article 370 got removed with his final approval. Literally, the Governor signed on behalf of J&K Constituent Assembly which was formed in 1951 and died away in 1957. 

As Farooq Abdullah had clearly said, “Even if Modi becomes Prime Minister ten times, he just cannot remove Article 370”, technically Farooq Abdullah was correct because as there was no Constituent Assembly and with the absence of Constituent Assembly Article 370 had lost its temporary status. But the Combination of Narendra Modi and Amit Shah Led to ‘The Rebirth of Constituent Assembly’, thus Ending Article 370 Leaving Farooq Abdullah Toothless and Hysterical.

Amit Shah a BJP Kingpin Gradually Emerged to 
Become a Linchpin of India, He Is The Best Man In 
Modi’s Arsenal Of Ministers Beyond The Shadow Of
 a Doubt.   


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