World ----- Agenda 30 and Thinking Beyond Mere Economic Growth. By- Mohit Singh.

Dangers Of Focussing Only On Economic Growth, Which Can Be Harmful To Humans And Environment As Well. 

Recent Report By UNESCAP, Survey 2019: Recently a report, 'Survey 2019' was 
published by UNESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific) and the theme of the report was 'Ambitions Beyond Growth'. The main aim of Survey 2019 is to focus on ways and methods to make ambitious Agenda 2030 or Agenda 30 of  SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) successful. 

Steps to be Taken: An additional annual investment of $1.5 trillion will be allocated in developing countries of Asia Pacific region, so that they can achieve the set goals of Agenda 2030 of SDGs. In the report, UNESCAP has further added that the developing countries of Asia Pacific region should expand their policies beyond the focus of mere economic growth. The fundamental reason for this is, the countries facing high levels of inequality, unemployment and most importantly environmental degradation must look beyond mere economic growth. Focussing only on economic growth tends to avoid poor people and environment. The report published by UNESCAP efficiently argues and disagrees that countries working on old parameters of growth mainly GDP led growth is no more required and is not feasible also. In fact today we need Sustainable Growth and not only economic growth. Environment has to be taken care of at any cost while pursuing economic growth.

Investments: UNESCAP has announced an investment package that would be equivalent to 5% of combined GDP of Asia Pacific developing countries. Allocation of funds would be done in a very sensible and organized way. An outline of allocations of funds has already been prepared like $670 billion to support basic human rights and enhance human capacities, $590 billion to achieve clean energy for all and live in consonance with nature, $196 billion for improved access to transport, information and communication technology (ICT), water and sanitation. This will be the first layer of investment among many investments that will be done in the future. 

Education: Emphasis has been laid on quality education and not quantity of education. Many countries are tackling with the problem of below average education system. India is one country which is suffering from this problem. In India the quantity of education is on an all time high and is increasing by every passing year but at the same time the quality of education is deteriorating. UNESCO has estimated that in 2014 Asia Pacific developing countries had wasted $150 billion by implementing poor education policies, without enhancing human capital significantly. Education system should be designed in such a way that can enhance the productivity of human capital, and can help shield our environment. 

Environment has to be taken care of at any cost, as we need to preserve the available limited resources for our future generation so that they don't run into crisis. 

 All 17 SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals) Outlined by UN to be Achieved by all countries by 2030. 

In my view achieving all these 17 Sustainable Development goals by 2030 seems unrealistic. Though achieving even 50% of this, which seems practical would be commendable, and can prevent our Environment from a point of no return. 


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