The Evil Queens, By- MOHIT SINGH

The Most Cruel Queens of History Who Can Put Hitler To Shame.

So when we talk about cruel leaders then the first picture that strikes us is that of Adolf Hitler, Genghis Khan or Chengiz Khan of Mongolia, the Hun tribes. But there are many Queens who have surpassed these leaders in terms of cruelty. Infact, Hitler, Genghis Khan chose cruelty or oppression as means to conquer or establish their leadership but the Queens which I am going to mention they did all this just for the sake of pleasure. These Queens  used to enjoy the sight of blood. Though for many it will come as a surprise to see women performing such heinous acts of violence even though cruelty has nothing to do with gender.

1.) ELIZABETH BATHORY (The Blood Countess): She was a Hungarian noblewoman and a Serial Killer, and you will be definitely surprised to know that Elizabeth Báthory has her name registered in Guinness Book of World Record for being the most gruesome serial killer and the most insensitive personality ever. She is the perfect example of such personalities who enjoyed killing and celebrated by torturing innocents. Experts term her as the real living Vampire as she displayed signs and symptoms of being a true vampire. Infact there is a funny quote regarding Elizabeth Báthory which goes like "The Draculas of Transylvania Fled away on seeing Elizabeth Báthory thirst for blood". For instance, She lured 650 young girls to her castle and killed them brutally. This has been verified by around 300 witnesses who managed to evade her castle. Though there are more gruesome activities attached to her. As I mentioned above that she displayed signs and symptoms of a Vampire, it's because after killing those young girls she used to bathe in their blood as she believed that this would keep her young and away from wrinkles. 

2.) CATHERINE THE GREAT (Empress Of Russia): Catherine is considered as one of the cruelest empress of Russia. If sources are to be believed which are again verified ones, Catherine is believed to have killed thousands and thousands of people and these were basically the one who were rebelling against her. So, simply to suppress the revolts she resorted to killings without a second thought. Even those people who were relatives of the rebels but didn't join the rebellion were not spared, they were punished to death for simply being the relatives of the rebels. She had animosity with the Polish-Lithuanian Empire, she used to regularly send armies to destroy Polish Countryside. The most popular was the massacre at a town near Warsaw, which is also known as Massacre of Praga. In fact , more than defeating the enemies she used to love knowing the number of people killed in every battle, there were orders given to army generals that after every small and large battle they must send letters mentioning the number of people killed in the battle, more the number more would be the rewards given to general. The ways she chose to punish the rebels were horrific and gruesome. If any rebel was caught alive, then those rebels were suspended by a metal hook pushed through their ribs and left to die and all this was displayed in the public as to strike fear amongst the general public, she was even fond of having tongues ripped out with pliers. Legends say that she had affairs with 22 men though there is no official verification to this.

3.) RANAVALONA I - The Mad Monarch of Madagascar: Ranavalona I was sovereign of the kingdom of Madagascar. She ruled this beautiful luscious green island with profound cruelty. She can easily give competition to Hitler. When we talk about Hitler then the first thing that comes to our mind is that Hitler exterminated a large chunk of population but this queen can easily put Hitler to shame relatively. During 33 years of Reign she managed to kill 80% of Madagascar's population. No doubt if her name goes to Guinness Book of World Records for being the most cruel ruler on the face of the earth then she will definitely win this. The most oppressive way of developing a standing army was adopted by her, she made heavy use of the traditional practice of fanompoana (forced labor as tax payments) to complete public works projects and she further used this labour to develop her standing army.

4.) QUEEN MARY I Of ENGLAND (BLOODY MARY): As the denunciation goes "Bloody Mary" she was truly a bloodthirsty and diabolical tyrant till date. She was the Queen of England and Ireland. She was against the English Reformation and made many aggressive attempts to reverse the English Reformation, which commenced during the reign of her father, Henry VIII. She killed thousands of religious dissenters basically protestants by burning them alive, in order to establish Roman Catholicism. She is more popular for her "False Pregnancy" event.

5.)  IRMA GRESE (The Hyena Of Auschwitz): Though Irma Grese wasn't a ruler or empress rather she was an SS Guard at the Nazi Concentration Camps so she was associated to Hitler. But her cruel deeds brought her a lot of attention from historians. She imprisoned 40,000-50,000 Jewish female, in order to punish these female prisoners she used to let loose starving dogs (German Shepherds) on the prisoners, she even tortured them sexually and mentally by ordering Nazi Soldiers of mass raping those female inmates and the soldiers who used to deny was beheaded by IRMA GRESE. Later she was hanged to death for her deed under British Law at a young age of 22.

To be continued......


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