Chinese Milk Banned In India, Reason Melamine. By- MOHIT SINGH.

Chinese Milk Banned Again In India As There Are Speculations Regarding High Content Of Melamine Present In The Milk.

Whenever you go to supermarkets or departmental stores or airports you might have noticed one thing that there is no Chinese milk or Chinese Milk Products like chocolates present on the shelves, though you will find American chocolates, Or everyone's favourite Swiss chocolates and cheese. Reason for this absence of Chinese dairy in our market is the ban that was imposed on Chinese dairy back in 2008, and since then many consecutive ban extensions has been imposed on Chinese Dairy, and this time it's going to be more strict.

Issue: The Government has recently extended further ban on import of Chinese Milk and Milk products and any floating dairy product in Indian market manufactured in China, the reason for this is Melamine which has caused havoc in many countries killing hundreds of infants. 

Official Statement: "Prohibition on import of milk, milk products (including chocolates, chocolate products, candies/confectionery/food preparations with milk or milk solids as an ingredient) from China is extended until the capacity of all laboratories at ports of entry have been suitably upgraded for testing Melamine," the Directorate General of Foreign Trade said in a notification.

What is Melamine?: Melamine powder was first synthesized by German Scientists but not to prepare milk out of it rather it was used to make plastics initially and now it is used by manufacturers of floor tiles, plastic bags, whiteboards.
Melamine is added to Milk and Milk Powder and to milk that is already been mixed with water as Melamine  is rich in nitrogen thus it makes the protein content of milk and milk products appear higher than usual. In fact Melamine contaminated milk is such a mixture that is capable of passing every test as the test regarding milk checks the nitrogen content and Melamine does show high nitrogen content in the milk to which it is added thus making us assume that the milk is high in protein too. Melamine is proven to cause cancer especially in the organs present in the abdomen area, kidney failure, kidney stones as Melamine tend to react with cyanuric acid which is naturally present in our body.

                           Chinese Milk with Melamine is being disposed off by officials.
The 2008 Incident: The Chinese Economy was hit very badly due to the biggest Milk Scandal in China also it was the biggest Milk scandal across the Globe. China at that time was an emerging Milk exporter and was doing fine as prior to 2008 Milk and Milk Products like Chocolates, Candy, Whey Protein Powder etc from China were exported to various countries of the world like India, Pakistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, USA, Canada and some parts of European countries too, and were earning Billions of Dollars thus benefitting Chinese Government a lot, as most of the Milk companies of China were Government owned.
But in 2008 nearly 60,000 babies got hospitalized all at once in addition nearly 3 lakh adults too got hospitalized and all this led to the death of 6 babies due to kidney stones, in addition the rest 3 lakh adults too reported development of Kidney Stones. In investigations conducted the investigators came to know that all this happened due to the milk that was manufactured in China which had excess content of Melamine due to which lakhs of people developed Kidney Stones, and thus people across the globe stopped buying Made in China milk in fact any food product that was Made in China had lost credibility. Due to the news of Melamine contamination many countries banned the milk products that were Made in China. WHO termed it as the largest ever food scandal that ever took place and WHO further added that this was an intentional scandal as the Chinese Government knew about all these developments yet continued with this in order to earn more profit, thus reducing the credibility of Chinese food products furthermore, in fact even today when people see any food product that is Made in China they avoid buying it.
But Pakistan has removed ban from Chinese milk products as it wants to maintain good relations with China. Thus many Chinese milk brands has moved to Pakistan to sell their products. Many Pakistani activists tried to raise their voice against this but their voices were suppressed by Pakistan Government. 



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