India ---- How Amit Shah Executed Modi Govt's Secret Plan to Abrogate Article 370 . Analyis By- Mohit Singh.

Clever Planning: The plan regarding removing of Article 370 began soon after Modi won 2014 elections, thus the execution and date of effectuating the plan was preordained. The plan was so micro managed, that every year NDA government meticulously was making slight yet crucial changes with respect to obliterating the effects of Article 370 without giving an inkling to the hate mongering media and other barbarous political parties. In 1951 a committee was appointed known as J&K Constituent Assembly. The primary function of Constituent Assembly was to solve Kashmir issue as Raja Hari Singh had earlier made a decision to merge with India but later, he grew reluctant to sign Instrument of Accession. Accordingly, Constituent Assembly prepared a draft, the draft prescribed a mechanism through which Jammu and Kashmir could be parallelly governed and it further gave suggestions on how to merge Kashmir with India in the near future. The prescribed mechanism was nothing but ‘Articl...